Plan Teams
Pelagic Plan Team
in alphabetical order
Robert Ahrens, NMFS PIFSC
Felipe Carvalho, NMFS PIFSC
Emily Crigler, NMFS PIFSC, Chair
Reka Domokos, NMFS PIFSC
Sean Felise, A.S. Dept. of Marine & Wildlife Resources
Jason Helyer, Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources
Bryan Ishida, Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources
Michael Kinney, NMFS PIFSC
Kirsten Leong, NMFS PIFSC
Minling Pan, NMFS PIFSC
Jason Philibotte, NMFS PIRO
Lynn Rassel, NMFS PIRO
Frank Roberto, Guam Division of Aquatic & Wildlife Resources
Michelle Scully, NMFS PIFSC
Melissa Snover, NMFS PIRO
Jenny Stahl, NMFS PIFSC
Jenny Suter, NMFS PIFSC, ex-officio
Brent Tibbatts, Guam Division of Aquatic & Wildlife Resources
Ashley Tomita, NMFS PIFSC
Nathan Van Ee, CNMI Division of Fish & Wildlife
Phoebe Woodworth-Jefcoats, NMFS PIFSC
Chelsey Young, NMFS PIRO
Archipelagic Plan Team
(Indefinite Terms) in alphabetical order
Robert Ahrens, NMFS PIFSC
Felipe Carvalho, NMFS PIFSC
Bradley Gough, NMFS PIFSC
Sean Hanser, NMFS PIRO
Jason Helyer, Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources (Ex-Officio)
Bryan Ishida, Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources
Irene Kelly, NMFS PIFSC
Tye Kindinger, NMFS PIFSC
Danika Kleiber, NMFS PIFSC
Jude Lizama, CNMI Division of Fish & Wildlife
Rhane Malae, NMFS PIFSC
Marc Nadon, NMFS PIFSC
David O’Brien, NMFS PIRO
Domingo Ochavillo, A.S. Dept. of Marine & Wildlife Resources
Thomas Oliver, NMFS PIFSC
Minling Pan, NMFS PIFSC
Frank Parrish, NMFS PIFSC
Marlowe Sabater, NMFS PIFSC, Chair
Eva Schemmel, NMFS PIFSC
Jenny Suter, NMFS PIFSC
Kisei Tanaka, NMFS PIFSC
Brent Tibbatts, Guam Division of Aquatic & Wildlife Resources
Francisco Villagomez, NMFS PIFSC